


作者:匿名     来源: 编程语言点击数:2043发布时间: 2022-06-12 14:41:52

标签: JustAuthSpring












  首先我们通过JustAuth官方Demojustauth-spring-boot-starter-demo 了解到JustAuth主要的配置参数为:







  1. justauth:

  2. # JustAuth功能启用开关

  3. enabled: true

  4. # 自定义第三方登录的配置信息

  5. extend:

  6. enum-class: com.xkcoding.justauthspringbootstarterdemo.extend.ExtendSource

  7. config:

  8. TEST:

  9. request-class: com.xkcoding.justauthspringbootstarterdemo.extend.ExtendTestRequest

  10. client-id: xxxxxx

  11. client-secret: xxxxxxxx

  12. redirect-uri: http://oauth.xkcoding.com/demo/oauth/test/callback


  14. request-class: com.xkcoding.justauthspringbootstarterdemo.extend.ExtendMyGitlabRequest

  15. client-id: xxxxxx

  16. client-secret: xxxxxxxx

  17. redirect-uri: http://localhost:8443/oauth/mygitlab/callback

  18. # 内置默认第三方登录的配置信息

  19. type:

  20. GOOGLE:

  21. client-id: xxxxxx

  22. client-secret: xxxxxxxx

  23. redirect-uri: http://localhost:8443/oauth/google/callback

  24. ignore-check-state: false

  25. scopes:

  26. - profile

  27. - email

  28. - openid

  29. # Http请求代理的配置信息

  30. http-config:

  31. timeout: 30000

  32. proxy:

  33. GOOGLE:

  34. type: HTTP

  35. hostname:

  36. port: 10080


  38. type: HTTP

  39. hostname:

  40. port: 10080

  41. # 缓存的配置信息

  42. cache:

  43. type: default

  44. prefix: 'demo::'

  45. timeout: 1h





  1. SET NAMES utf8mb4;


  3. -- ----------------------------

  4. -- Table structure for t_just_auth_config

  5. -- ----------------------------

  6. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_just_auth_config`;

  7. CREATE TABLE `t_just_auth_config` (

  8. `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '主键',

  9. `tenant_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '租户id',

  10. `enabled` tinyint(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'JustAuth开关',

  11. `enum_class` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '自定义扩展第三方登录的配置类',

  12. `http_timeout` bigint(20) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Http请求的超时时间',

  13. `cache_type` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '缓存类型',

  14. `cache_prefix` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '缓存前缀',

  15. `cache_timeout` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '缓存超时时间',

  16. `create_time` datetime(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',

  17. `creator` bigint(20) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建者',

  18. `update_time` datetime(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',

  19. `operator` bigint(20) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新者',

  20. `del_flag` tinyint(2) NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '是否删除',


  22. ) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT = '租户第三方登录功能配置表' ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC;





  1. SET NAMES utf8mb4;


  3. -- ----------------------------

  4. -- Table structure for t_just_auth_source

  5. -- ----------------------------

  6. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_just_auth_source`;

  7. CREATE TABLE `t_just_auth_source` (

  8. `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '主键',

  9. `tenant_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '租户id',

  10. `source_name` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '第三方登录的名称',

  11. `source_type` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '第三方登录类型:默认default 自定义custom',

  12. `request_class` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '自定义第三方登录的请求Class',

  13. `client_id` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '客户端id:对应各平台的appKey',

  14. `client_secret` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '客户端Secret:对应各平台的appSecret',

  15. `redirect_uri` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '登录成功后的回调地址',

  16. `alipay_public_key` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '支付宝公钥:当选择支付宝登录时,该值可用',

  17. `union_id` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '是否需要申请unionid,目前只针对qq登录',

  18. `stack_overflow_key` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Stack Overflow Key',

  19. `agent_id` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '企业微信,授权方的网页应用ID',

  20. `user_type` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '企业微信第三方授权用户类型,member|admin',

  21. `domain_prefix` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '域名前缀 使用 Coding 登录和 Okta 登录时,需要传该值。',

  22. `ignore_check_state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '忽略校验code state}参数,默认不开启。',

  23. `scopes` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '支持自定义授权平台的 scope 内容',

  24. `device_id` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '设备ID, 设备唯一标识ID',

  25. `client_os_type` int(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '喜马拉雅:客户端操作系统类型,1-iOS系统,2-Android系统,3-Web',

  26. `pack_id` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '喜马拉雅:客户端包名',

  27. `pkce` tinyint(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' 是否开启 PKCE 模式,该配置仅用于支持 PKCE 模式的平台,针对无服务应用,不推荐使用隐式授权,推荐使用 PKCE 模式',

  28. `auth_server_id` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Okta 授权服务器的 ID, 默认为 default。',

  29. `ignore_check_redirect_uri` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '忽略校验 {@code redirectUri} 参数,默认不开启。',

  30. `proxy_type` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Http代理类型',

  31. `proxy_host_name` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Http代理Host',

  32. `proxy_port` int(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Http代理Port',

  33. `create_time` datetime(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',

  34. `creator` bigint(20) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建者',

  35. `update_time` datetime(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',

  36. `operator` bigint(20) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新者',

  37. `del_flag` tinyint(2) NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '是否删除',


  39. ) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT = '租户第三方登录信息配置表' ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC;








  初始化的CommandLineRunner类 InitExtensionCacheRunner.java。


  1. /**

  2. * 容器启动完成加载资源权限数据到缓存

  3. * @author GitEgg

  4. */

  5. @Slf4j

  6. @RequiredArgsConstructor(onConstructor_ = @Autowired)

  7. @Component

  8. public class InitExtensionCacheRunner implements CommandLineRunner {

  9. private final IJustAuthConfigService justAuthConfigService;

  10. private final IJustAuthSourceService justAuthSourceService;

  11. @Override

  12. public void run(String... args) {

  13. log.info("InitExtensionCacheRunner running");

  14. // 初始化第三方登录主配置

  15. justAuthConfigService.initJustAuthConfigList();

  16. // 初始化第三方登录 第三方配置

  17. justAuthSourceService.initJustAuthSourceList();

  18. }

  19. }



  1. /**

  2. * 初始化配置表列表

  3. * @return

  4. */

  5. @Override

  6. public void initJustAuthConfigList() {

  7. QueryJustAuthConfigDTO queryJustAuthConfigDTO = new QueryJustAuthConfigDTO();

  8. queryJustAuthConfigDTO.setStatus(GitEggConstant.ENABLE);

  9. List justAuthSourceInfoList = justAuthConfigMapper.initJustAuthConfigList(queryJustAuthConfigDTO);


      11. // 判断是否开启了租户模式,如果开启了,那么角色权限需要按租户进行分类存储

  12. if (enable) {

  13. Map> authSourceListMap =

  14. justAuthSourceInfoList.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(JustAuthConfigDTO::getTenantId));

  15. authSourceListMap.forEach((key, value) -> {

  16. String redisKey = AuthConstant.SOCIAL_TENANT_CONFIG_KEY + key;

  17. redisTemplate.delete(redisKey);

  18. addJustAuthConfig(redisKey, value);

  19. });


  21. } else {

  22. redisTemplate.delete(AuthConstant.SOCIAL_CONFIG_KEY);

  23. addJustAuthConfig(AuthConstant.SOCIAL_CONFIG_KEY, justAuthSourceInfoList);

  24. }

  25. }

  26. private void addJustAuthConfig(String key, List configList) {

  27. Map authConfigMap = new TreeMap<>();

  28. Optional.ofNullable(configList).orElse(new ArrayList<>()).forEach(config -> {

  29. try {

  30. authConfigMap.put(config.getTenantId().toString(), JsonUtils.objToJson(config));

  31. redisTemplate.opsForHash().putAll(key, authConfigMap);

  32. } catch (Exception e) {

  33. log.error("初始化第三方登录失败:{}" , e);

  34. }

  35. });

  36. }



  1. /**

  2. * 初始化配置表列表

  3. * @return

  4. */

  5. @Override

  6. public void initJustAuthSourceList() {

  7. QueryJustAuthSourceDTO queryJustAuthSourceDTO = new QueryJustAuthSourceDTO();

  8. queryJustAuthSourceDTO.setStatus(GitEggConstant.ENABLE);

  9. List justAuthSourceInfoList = justAuthSourceMapper.initJustAuthSourceList(queryJustAuthSourceDTO);


      11. // 判断是否开启了租户模式,如果开启了,那么角色权限需要按租户进行分类存储

  12. if (enable) {

  13. Map> authSourceListMap =

  14. justAuthSourceInfoList.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(JustAuthSourceDTO::getTenantId));

  15. authSourceListMap.forEach((key, value) -> {

  16. String redisKey = AuthConstant.SOCIAL_TENANT_SOURCE_KEY + key;

  17. redisTemplate.delete(redisKey);

  18. addJustAuthSource(redisKey, value);

  19. });

  20. } else {

  21. redisTemplate.delete(AuthConstant.SOCIAL_SOURCE_KEY);

  22. addJustAuthSource(AuthConstant.SOCIAL_SOURCE_KEY, justAuthSourceInfoList);

  23. }

  24. }

  25. private void addJustAuthSource(String key, List sourceList) {

  26. Map authConfigMap = new TreeMap<>();

  27. Optional.ofNullable(sourceList).orElse(new ArrayList<>()).forEach(source -> {

  28. try {

  29. authConfigMap.put(source.getSourceName(), JsonUtils.objToJson(source));

  30. redisTemplate.opsForHash().putAll(key, authConfigMap);

  31. } catch (Exception e) {

  32. log.error("初始化第三方登录失败:{}" , e);

  33. }

  34. });

  35. }




  1. ······

  2. <!-- JustAuth第三方登录 -->

  3. <just.auth.version>1.16.5</just.auth.version>

  4. <!-- JustAuth SpringBoot集成 -->

  5. <just.auth.spring.version>1.4.0</just.auth.spring.version>

  6. ······

  7. <!--JustAuth第三方登录-->

  8. <dependency>

  9. <groupId>me.zhyd.oauth</groupId>

  10. <artifactId>JustAuth</artifactId>

  11. <version>${just.auth.version}</version>

      12. </dependency>

  13. <!--JustAuth SpringBoot集成-->

  14. <dependency>

      15. <groupIdcom>.xkcoding.justauth</groupId>

  16. <artifactId>justauth-spring-boot-starter</artifactId>

  17. <version>${just.auth.spring.version}</version>

  18. </dependency>

  19. ······



  1. <dependency>

  2. <!-- gitegg Spring Boot自定义及扩展 -->

  3. <dependency>

  4. <groupId>com.gitegg.platform</groupId>

  5. <artifactId>gitegg-platform-boot</artifactId>

  6. </dependency>

  7. <!--JustAuth第三方登录-->

  8. <dependency>

  9. <groupI>dme.zhyd.oauth</groupId>

  10. <artifactId>JustAuth</artifactId>

  11. </dependency>

  12. <!--JustAuth SpringBoot集成-->

  13. <dependency>

  14. <groupI>com.xkcoding.justauth</groupI>

  15. <artifactId>justauth-spring-boot-starter</artifactId>

  16. <!-- 不使用JustAuth默认版本-->

  17. <exclusions>

  18. <exclusions>

  19. <groupI>me.zhyd.oauth</groupI>

  20. <artifactId>JustAuth</artifactId>

  21. </exclusion>

  22. <exclusion>

  23. <groupI>org.springframework.boot</groupI>

  24. <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-data-redis</artifactId>

  25. </exclusion>

  26. <exclusion>

  27. <groupI>org.springframework.boot</groupI>

  28. <artifactId>spring-boot-autoconfigure</artifactId>

  29. </exclusion>

  30. <exclusion>

  31. <groupI>org.springframework.boot</groupI>

  32. <artifactId>spring-boot-configuration-processor</artifactId>

  33. </exclusion>

  34. </exclusion>

  35. </dependency>

  36. </dependency>



  1. /**

  2. * GitEggAuthRequestFactory工厂类

  3. *

  4. * @author GitEgg

  5. */

  6. @Slf4j

  7. @RequiredArgsConstructor

  8. public class GitEggAuthRequestFactory {

  9. private final RedisTemplate redisTemplate;

  10. private final AuthRequestFactory authRequestFactory;

  11. private final JustAuthProperties justAuthProperties;

  12. /**

  13. * 是否开启租户模式

  14. */

  15. @Value("${tenant.enable}")

  16. private Boolean enable;

  17. public GitEggAuthRequestFactory(AuthRequestFactory authRequestFactory, RedisTemplate redisTemplate, JustAuthProperties justAuthProperties) {

  18. this.authRequestFactory = authRequestFactory;

  19. this.redisTemplate = redisTemplate;

  20. this.justAuthProperties = justAuthProperties;

  21. }

  22. /**

  23. * 返回当前Oauth列表

  24. *

  25. * @return Oauth列表

  26. */

  27. public List oauthList() {

  28. // 合并

  29. return authRequestFactory.oauthList();

  30. }

  31. /**

  32. * 返回AuthRequest对象

  33. *

  34. * @param source {@link AuthSource}

  35. * @return {@link AuthRequest}

  36. */

  37. public AuthRequest get(String source) {


      39. if (StrUtil.isBlank(source)) {

  40. throw new AuthException(AuthResponseStatus.NO_AUTH_SOURCE);

  41. }

  42. // 组装多租户的缓存配置key

  43. String authConfigKey = AuthConstant.SOCIAL_TENANT_CONFIG_KEY;

  44. if (enable) {

  45. authConfigKey += GitEggAuthUtils.getTenantId();

  46. } else {

  47. authConfigKey = AuthConstant.SOCIAL_CONFIG_KEY;

  48. }

  49. // 获取主配置,每个租户只有一个主配置

  50. String sourceConfigStr = (String) redisTemplate.opsForHash().get(authConfigKey, GitEggAuthUtils.getTenantId());

  51. AuthConfig authConfig = null;

  52. JustAuthSource justAuthSource = null;

  53. AuthRequest tenantIdAuthRequest = null;

  54. if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sourceConfigStr))

  55. {

  56. try {

  57. // 转为系统配置对象

  58. JustAuthConfig justAuthConfig = JsonUtils.jsonToPojo(sourceConfigStr, JustAuthConfig.class);

  59. // 判断该配置是否开启了第三方登录

  60. if (justAuthConfig.getEnabled())

  61. {

  62. // 根据配置生成StateCache

  63. CacheProperties cacheProperties = new CacheProperties();

  64. if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(justAuthConfig.getCacheType())

  65. && !StringUtils.isEmpty(justAuthConfig.getCachePrefix())

  66. && null != justAuthConfig.getCacheTimeout())

  67. {

  68. cacheProperties.setType(CacheProperties.CacheType.valueOf(justAuthConfig.getCacheType().toUpperCase()));

  69. cacheProperties.setPrefix(justAuthConfig.getCachePrefix());

  70. cacheProperties.setTimeout(Duration.ofMinutes(justAuthConfig.getCacheTimeout()));

  71. }

  72. else

  73. {

  74. cacheProperties = justAuthProperties.getCache();

  75. }

  76. GitEggRedisStateCache gitEggRedisStateCache =

  77. new GitEggRedisStateCache(redisTemplate, cacheProperties, enable);


  79. // 组装多租户的第三方配置信息key

  80. String authSourceKey = AuthConstant.SOCIAL_TENANT_SOURCE_KEY;

  81. if (enable) {

  82. authSourceKey += GitEggAuthUtils.getTenantId();

  83. } else {

  84. authSourceKey = AuthConstant.SOCIAL_SOURCE_KEY;

  85. }

  86. // 获取具体的第三方配置信息

  87. String sourceAuthStr = (String)redisTemplate.opsForHash().get(authSourceKey, source.toUpperCase());

  88. if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sourceAuthStr))

  89. {

  90. // 转为系统配置对象

  91. justAuthSource = JsonUtils.jsonToPojo(sourceAuthStr, JustAuthSource.class);

  92. authConfig = BeanCopierUtils.copyByClass(justAuthSource, AuthConfig.class);

  93. // 组装scopes,因为系统配置的是逗号分割的字符串

  94. if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(justAuthSource.getScopes()))

  95. {

  96. String[] scopes = justAuthSource.getScopes().split(StrUtil.COMMA);

  97. authConfig.setScopes(Arrays.asList(scopes));

  98. }

  99. // 设置proxy

  100. if (StrUtil.isAllNotEmpty(justAuthSource.getProxyType(), justAuthSource.getProxyHostName())

  101. && null != justAuthSource.getProxyPort())

  102. {

  103. JustAuthProperties.JustAuthProxyConfig proxyConfig = new JustAuthProperties.JustAuthProxyConfig();

  104. proxyConfig.setType(justAuthSource.getProxyType());

  105. proxyConfig.setHostname(justAuthSource.getProxyHostName());

  106. proxyConfig.setPort(justAuthSource.getProxyPort());

  107. if (null != proxyConfig) {

  108. HttpConfig httpConfig = HttpConfig.builder().timeout(justAuthSource.getProxyPort()).proxy(new Proxy(Proxy.Type.valueOf(proxyConfig.getType()), new InetSocketAddress(proxyConfig.getHostname(), proxyConfig.getPort()))).build();

  109. if (null != justAuthConfig.getHttpTimeout())

  110. {

  111. httpConfig.setTimeout(justAuthConfig.getHttpTimeout());

  112. }

  113. authConfig.setHttpConfig(httpConfig);

  114. }

  115. }

  116. // 组装好配置后,从配置生成request,判断是默认的第三方登录还是自定义第三方登录

  117. if (SourceTypeEnum.DEFAULT.key.equals(justAuthSource.getSourceType()))

  118. {

  119. tenantIdAuthRequest = this.getDefaultRequest(source, authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  120. }

  121. else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(justAuthConfig.getEnumClass()) && SourceTypeEnum.CUSTOM.key.equals(justAuthSource.getSourceType()))

  122. {

  123. try {

  124. Class enumConfigClass = Class.forName(justAuthConfig.getEnumClass());

  125. tenantIdAuthRequest = this.getExtendRequest(enumConfigClass, source, (ExtendProperties.ExtendRequestConfig) authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  126. } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

  127. log.error("初始化自定义第三方登录时发生异常:{}", e);

  128. }

  129. }

  130. }

  131. }

  132. } catch (Exception e) {

  133. log.error("获取第三方登录时发生异常:{}", e);

  134. }

  135. }

  136. if (null == tenantIdAuthRequest)

  137. {

  138. tenantIdAuthRequest = authRequestFactory.get(source);

  139. }

  140. return tenantIdAuthRequest;

  141. }

  142. /**

  143. * 获取单个的request

  144. * @param source

  145. * @return

  146. */

  147. private AuthRequest getDefaultRequest(String source, AuthConfig authConfig, GitEggRedisStateCache gitEggRedisStateCache) {

  148. AuthDefaultSource authDefaultSource;

  149. try {

  150. authDefaultSource = EnumUtil.fromString(AuthDefaultSource.class, source.toUpperCase());

  151. } catch (IllegalArgumentException var4) {

  152. return null;

  153. }

  154. // 从缓存获取租户单独配置

  155. switch(authDefaultSource) {

  156. case GITHUB:

  157. return new AuthGithubRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  158. case WEIBO:

  159. return new AuthWeiboRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  160. case GITEE:

  161. return new AuthGiteeRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  162. case DINGTALK:

  163. return new AuthDingTalkRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);


  165. return new AuthDingTalkAccountRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  166. case BAIDU:

  167. return new AuthBaiduRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  168. case CSDN:

  169. return new AuthCsdnRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  170. case CODING:

  171. return new AuthCodingRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  172. case OSCHINA:

  173. return new AuthOschinaRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  174. case ALIPAY:

  175. return new AuthAlipayRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  176. case QQ:

  177. return new AuthQqRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  178. case WECHAT_OPEN:

  179. return new AuthWeChatOpenRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  180. case WECHAT_MP:

  181. return new AuthWeChatMpRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);


  183. return new AuthWeChatEnterpriseQrcodeRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);


  185. return new AuthWeChatEnterpriseWebRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  186. case TAOBAO:

  187. return new AuthTaobaoRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  188. case GOOGLE:

  189. return new AuthGoogleRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  190. case FACEBOOK:

  191. return new AuthFacebookRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  192. case DOUYIN:

  193. return new AuthDouyinRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  194. case LINKEDIN:

  195. return new AuthLinkedinRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  196. case MICROSOFT:

  197. return new AuthMicrosoftRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  198. case MI:

  199. return new AuthMiRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  200. case TOUTIAO:

  201. return new AuthToutiaoRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  202. case TEAMBITION:

  203. return new AuthTeambitionRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  204. case RENREN:

  205. return new AuthRenrenRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  206. case PINTEREST:

  207. return new AuthPinterestRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  208. case STACK_OVERFLOW:

  209. return new AuthStackOverflowRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  210. case HUAWEI:

  211. return new AuthHuaweiRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  212. case GITLAB:

  213. return new AuthGitlabRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  214. case KUJIALE:

  215. return new AuthKujialeRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  216. case ELEME:

  217. return new AuthElemeRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  218. case MEITUAN:

  219. return new AuthMeituanRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  220. case TWITTER:

  221. return new AuthTwitterRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  222. case FEISHU:

  223. return new AuthFeishuRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  224. case JD:

  225. return new AuthJdRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  226. case ALIYUN:

  227. return new AuthAliyunRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  228. case XMLY:

  229. return new AuthXmlyRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  230. case AMAZON:

  231. return new AuthAmazonRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  232. case SLACK:

  233. return new AuthSlackRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  234. case LINE:

  235. return new AuthLineRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  236. case OKTA:

  237. return new AuthOktaRequest(authConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache);

  238. default:

  239. return null;

  240. }

  241. }

  242. private AuthRequest getExtendRequest(Class clazz, String source, ExtendProperties.ExtendRequestConfig extendRequestConfig, GitEggRedisStateCache gitEggRedisStateCache) {

  243. String upperSource = source.toUpperCase();

  244. try {

  245. EnumUtil.fromString(clazz, upperSource);

  246. } catch (IllegalArgumentException var8) {

  247. return null;

  248. }

  249. if (extendRequestConfig != null) {

  250. Class requestClass = extendRequestConfig.getRequestClass();

  251. if (requestClass != null) {

  252. return (AuthRequest) ReflectUtil.newInstance(requestClass, new Object[]{extendRequestConfig, gitEggRedisStateCache});

  253. }

  254. }

  255. return null;

  256. }

  257. }






  1. /**

  2. * 第三方登录

  3. * @author GitEgg

  4. */

  5. @Slf4j

  6. @RestController

  7. @RequestMapping("/social")

  8. @RequiredArgsConstructor(onConstructor_ = @Autowired)

  9. public class SocialController {

  10. private final GitEggAuthRequestFactory factory;

  11. private final IJustAuthFeign justAuthFeign;

  12. private final IUserFeign userFeign;

  13. private final ISmsFeign smsFeign

  14. @Value("${system.secret-key}")

  15. private String secretKey;

  16. @Value("${system.secret-key-salt}")

  17. private String secretKeySalt;

  18. private final RedisTemplate redisTemplate;

  19. /**

  20. * 密码最大尝试次数

  21. */

  22. @Value("${system.maxTryTimes}")

  23. private int maxTryTimes;

  24. /**

  25. * 锁定时间,单位 秒

  26. */

  27. @Value("${system.maxTryTimes}")

  28. private long maxLockTime;

  29. /**

  30. * 第三方登录缓存时间,单位 秒

  31. */

  32. @Value("${system.socialLoginExpiration}")

  33. private long socialLoginExpiration;


      35. @GetMapping

  36. public List list() {

  37. return factory.oauthList();

  38. }

  39. /**

  40. * 获取到对应类型的登录url

  41. * @param type

  42. * @return

  43. */

  44. @GetMapping("/login/{type}")

  45. public Result login(@PathVariable String type) {

  46. AuthRequest authRequest = factory.get(type);

  47. return Result.data(authRequest.authorize(AuthStateUtils.createState()));

  48. }

  49. /**

  50. * 保存或更新用户数据,并进行判断是否进行注册或绑定

  51. * @param type

  52. * @param callback

  53. * @return

  54. */

  55. @RequestMapping("/{type}/callback")

  56. public Result login(@PathVariable String type, AuthCallback callback) {

  57. AuthRequest authRequest = factory.get(type);

  58. AuthResponse response = authRequest.login(callback);

  59. if (response.ok())

  60. {

  61. AuthUser authUser = (AuthUser) response.getData();

  62. JustAuthSocialInfoDTO justAuthSocialInfoDTO = BeanCopierUtils.copyByClass(authUser, JustAuthSocialInfoDTO.class);

  63. BeanCopierUtils.copyByObject(authUser.getToken(), justAuthSocialInfoDTO);

  64. // 获取到第三方用户信息后,先进行保存或更新

  65. Result<Object> createResult = justAuthFeign.userCreateOrUpdate(justAuthSocialInfoDTO);

  66. if(createResult.isSuccess() && null != createResult.getData())

  67. {

  68. Long socialId = Long.parseLong((String)createResult.getData());

  69. // 判断此第三方用户是否被绑定到系统用户

      70. Result<Object>bindResult = justAuthFeign.userBindQuery(socialId);

  71. // 这里需要处理返回消息,前端需要根据返回是否已经绑定好的消息来判断

  72. // 将socialId进行加密返回

  73. DES des = new DES(Mode.CTS, Padding.PKCS5Padding, secretKey.getBytes(), secretKeySalt.getBytes());

  74. // 这里将source+uuid通过des加密作为key返回到前台

  75. String socialKey = authUser.getSource() + StrPool.UNDERLINE + authUser.getUuid();

  76. // 将socialKey放入缓存,默认有效期2个小时,如果2个小时未完成验证,那么操作失效,重新获取,在system:socialLoginExpiration配置

  77. redisTemplate.opsForValue().set(AuthConstant.SOCIAL_VALIDATION_PREFIX + socialKey, createResult.getData(), socialLoginExpiration,

  78. TimeUnit.SECONDS);

  79. String desSocialKey = des.encryptHex(socialKey);

  80. bindResult.setData(desSocialKey);

  81. // 这里返回的成功是请求成功,里面放置的result是是否有绑定用户的成功

  82. return Result.data(bindResult);

  83. }

  84. return Result.error("获取第三方用户绑定信息失败");

  85. }

  86. else

  87. {

  88. throw new BusinessException(response.getMsg());

  89. }

  90. }

  91. /**

  92. * 绑定用户手机号

  93. * 这里不走手机号登录的流程,因为如果手机号不存在那么可以直接创建一个用户并进行绑定

  94. */

  95. @PostMapping("/bind/mobile")

  96. @ApiOperation(value = "绑定用户手机号")

  97. public Result bindMobile(@Valid @RequestBody SocialBindMobileDTO socialBind) {

  98. Result smsResult = smsFeign.checkSmsVerificationCode(socialBind.getSmsCode(), socialBind.getPhoneNumber(), socialBind.getCode());

  99. // 判断短信验证是否成功

  100. if (smsResult.isSuccess() && null != smsResult.getData() && (Boolean)smsResult.getData()) {

  101. // 解密前端传来的socialId

  102. DES des = new DES(Mode.CTS, Padding.PKCS5Padding, secretKey.getBytes(), secretKeySalt.getBytes());

  103. String desSocialKey = des.decryptStr(socialBind.getSocialKey());


      105. // 将socialKey放入缓存,默认有效期2个小时,如果2个小时未完成验证,那么操作失效,重新获取,在system:socialLoginExpiration配置

  106. String desSocialId = (String)redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(AuthConstant.SOCIAL_VALIDATION_PREFIX + desSocialKey);


  108. // 查询第三方用户信息

  109. Result justAuthInfoResult = justAuthFeign.querySocialInfo(Long.valueOf(desSocialId));


  111. if (null == justAuthInfoResult || !justAuthInfoResult.isSuccess() || null == justAuthInfoResult.getData())

  112. {

  113. throw new BusinessException("未查询到第三方用户信息,请返回到登录页重试");

  114. }

  115. JustAuthSocialInfoDTO justAuthSocialInfoDTO = BeanUtil.copyProperties(justAuthInfoResult.getData(), JustAuthSocialInfoDTO.class);

  116. // 查询用户是否存在,如果存在,那么直接调用绑定接口

  117. Result<Object>result = userFeign.queryUserByPhone(socialBind.getPhoneNumber());

  118. Long userId;

  119. // 判断返回信息

  120. if (null != result && result.isSuccess() && null != result.getData()) {

  121. GitEggUser gitEggUser = BeanUtil.copyProperties(result.getData(), GitEggUser.class);

  122. userId = gitEggUser.getId();

  123. }

  124. else

  125. {

  126. // 如果用户不存在,那么调用新建用户接口,并绑定

  127. UserAddDTO userAdd = new UserAddDTO();

  128. userAdd.setAccount(socialBind.getPhoneNumber());

  129. userAdd.setMobile(socialBind.getPhoneNumber());

  130. userAdd.setNickname(justAuthSocialInfoDTO.getNickname());

  131. userAdd.setPassword(StringUtils.isEmpty(justAuthSocialInfoDTO.getUnionId()) ? justAuthSocialInfoDTO.getUuid() : justAuthSocialInfoDTO.getUnionId());

  132. userAdd.setStatus(GitEggConstant.UserStatus.ENABLE);

  133. userAdd.setAvatar(justAuthSocialInfoDTO.getAvatar());

  134. userAdd.setEmail(justAuthSocialInfoDTO.getEmail());

  135. userAdd.setStreet(justAuthSocialInfoDTO.getLocation());

  136. userAdd.setComments(justAuthSocialInfoDTO.getRemark());

  137. Result<?>resultUserAdd = userFeign.userAdd(userAdd);

  138. if (null != resultUserAdd && resultUserAdd.isSuccess() && null != resultUserAdd.getData())

  139. {

  140. userId = Long.parseLong((String) resultUserAdd.getData());

  141. }

  142. else

  143 {

  144. // 如果添加失败,则返回失败信息

  145. return resultUserAdd;

  146. }

  147. }

  148. // 执行绑定操作

  149. return justAuthFeign.userBind(Long.valueOf(desSocialId), userId);

  150. }

  151. return smsResult;

  152. }

  153. /**

  154. * 绑定账号

  155. * 这里只有绑定操作,没有创建用户操作

  156. */

  157. @PostMapping("/bind/account")

  158. @ApiOperation(value = "绑定用户账号")

  159. public<?>Result bindAccount(@Valid @RequestBody SocialBindAccountDTO socialBind) {

  160. // 查询用户是否存在,如果存在,那么直接调用绑定接口

  161. Result<?>result = userFeign.queryUserByAccount(socialBind.getUsername());

  162. // 判断返回信息

  163. if (null != result && result.isSuccess() && null != result.getData()) {

  164. GitEggUser gitEggUser = BeanUtil.copyProperties(result.getData(), GitEggUser.class);

  165. // 必须添加次数验证,和登录一样,超过最大验证次数那么直接锁定账户

  166. // 从Redis获取账号密码错误次数

  167. Object lockTimes = redisTemplate.boundValueOps(AuthConstant.LOCK_ACCOUNT_PREFIX + gitEggUser.getId()).get();

  168. // 判断账号密码输入错误几次,如果输入错误多次,则锁定账号

  169. if(null != lockTimes && (int)lockTimes >= maxTryTimes){

  170. throw new BusinessException("密码尝试次数过多,请使用其他方式绑定");

  171. }

  172. PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder = PasswordEncoderFactories.createDelegatingPasswordEncoder();

  173. String password = AuthConstant.BCRYPT + gitEggUser.getAccount() + DigestUtils.md5DigestAsHex(socialBind.getPassword().getBytes());

  174. // 验证账号密码是否正确

  175. if ( passwordEncoder.matches(password, gitEggUser.getPassword()))

  176. {

  177. // 解密前端传来的socialId

  178. DES des = new DES(Mode.CTS, Padding.PKCS5Padding, secretKey.getBytes(), secretKeySalt.getBytes());

  179. String desSocialKey = des.decryptStr(socialBind.getSocialKey());

  180. // 将socialKey放入缓存,默认有效期2个小时,如果2个小时未完成验证,那么操作失效,重新获取,在system:socialLoginExpiration配置

  181. String desSocialId = (String)redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(AuthConstant.SOCIAL_VALIDATION_PREFIX + desSocialKey);


      183. // 执行绑定操作

  184. return justAuthFeign.userBind(Long.valueOf(desSocialId), gitEggUser.getId());

  185. }

  186. else

  187. {

  188. // 增加锁定次数

  189. redisTemplate.boundValueOps(AuthConstant.LOCK_ACCOUNT_PREFIX + gitEggUser.getId()).increment(GitEggConstant.Number.ONE);

  190. redisTemplate.expire(AuthConstant.LOCK_ACCOUNT_PREFIX +gitEggUser.getId(), maxLockTime , TimeUnit.SECONDS);

  191. throw new BusinessException("账号或密码错误");

  192. }

  193. }

  194. else

  195. {

  196. throw new BusinessException("账号不存在");

  197. }

  198. }


  200. }



  1. /**

  2. * 第三方登录模式

  3. * @author GitEgg

  4. */

  5. public class SocialTokenGranter extends AbstractTokenGranter {

  6. private static final String GRANT_TYPE = "social";

  7. private final AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;

  8. private UserDetailsService userDetailsService;

  9. private IJustAuthFeign justAuthFeign;

  10. private RedisTemplate redisTemplate;

  11. private String captchaType;

  12. private String secretKey;

  13. private String secretKeySalt;

  14. public SocialTokenGranter(AuthenticationManager authenticationManager,

  15. AuthorizationServerTokenServices tokenServices, ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService,

  16. OAuth2RequestFactory requestFactory, RedisTemplate redisTemplate, IJustAuthFeign justAuthFeign,

  17. UserDetailsService userDetailsService, String captchaType, String secretKey, String secretKeySalt) {

  18. this(authenticationManager, tokenServices, clientDetailsService, requestFactory, GRANT_TYPE);

  19. this.redisTemplate = redisTemplate;

  20. this.captchaType = captchaType;

  21. this.secretKey = secretKey;

  22. this.secretKeySalt = secretKeySalt;

  23. this.justAuthFeign = justAuthFeign;

  24. this.userDetailsService = userDetailsService;

  25. }

  26. protected SocialTokenGranter(AuthenticationManager authenticationManager,

  27. AuthorizationServerTokenServices tokenServices, ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService,

  28. OAuth2RequestFactory requestFactory, String grantType) {

  29. super(tokenServices, clientDetailsService, requestFactory, grantType);

  30. this.authenticationManager = authenticationManager;

  31. }

  32. @Override

  33. protected OAuth2Authentication getOAuth2Authentication(ClientDetails client, TokenRequest tokenRequest) {

  34. Map<string, string=""> parameters = new LinkedHashMap<>(tokenRequest.getRequestParameters());

  35. String socialKey = parameters.get(TokenConstant.SOCIAL_KEY);

  36. // Protect from downstream leaks of password

  37. parameters.remove(TokenConstant.SOCIAL_KEY);

  38. // 校验socialId

  39. String socialId;

  40. try {

  41. // 将socialId进行加密返回

  42. DES des = new DES(Mode.CTS, Padding.PKCS5Padding, secretKey.getBytes(), secretKeySalt.getBytes());

  43. String desSocialKey = des.decryptStr(socialKey);

  44. // 获取缓存中的key

  45. socialId = (String) redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(AuthConstant.SOCIAL_VALIDATION_PREFIX + desSocialKey);

  46. }

  47. catch (Exception e)

  48. {

  49. throw new InvalidGrantException("第三方登录验证已失效,请返回登录页重新操作");

  50. }

  51. if (StringUtils.isEmpty(socialId))

  52. {

  53. throw new InvalidGrantException("第三方登录验证已失效,请返回登录页重新操作");

  54. }

  55. // 校验userId

  56. String userId;

  57. try {

  58. Result socialResult = justAuthFeign.userBindQuery(Long.parseLong(socialId));

  59. if (null == socialResult || StringUtils.isEmpty(socialResult.getData())) {

  60. throw new InvalidGrantException("操作失败,请返回登录页重新操作");

  61. }

  62. userId = (String) socialResult.getData();

  63. }

  64. catch (Exception e)

  65. {

  66. throw new InvalidGrantException("操作失败,请返回登录页重新操作");

  67. }

  68. if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userId))

  69. {

  70. throw new InvalidGrantException("操作失败,请返回登录页重新操作");

  71. }

  72. // 这里是通过用户id查询用户信息

  73. UserDetails userDetails = this.userDetailsService.loadUserByUsername(userId);

  74. Authentication userAuth = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(userDetails, null, userDetails.getAuthorities());

  75. ((AbstractAuthenticationToken)userAuth).setDetails(parameters);

  76. OAuth2Request storedOAuth2Request = getRequestFactory().createOAuth2Request(client, tokenRequest);

  77. return new OAuth2Authentication(storedOAuth2Request, userAuth);

  78. }

  79. }




  1. <template>

  2. <div>

  3. </div>

  4. </template>

  5. <script>

  6. import { socialLoginCallback } from '@/api/login'

  7. import { mapActions } from 'vuex'

  8. export default {

  9. name: 'SocialCallback',

  10. created () {

  11. this.$loading.show({ tip: '登录中......' })

  12. const query = this.$route.query

  13. const socialType = this.$route.params.socialType

  14. this.socialCallback(socialType, query)

  15. },

  16. methods: {

  17. ...mapActions(['Login']),

  18. getUrlKey: function (name) {

  19. // eslint-disable-next-line no-sparse-arrays

  20. return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec(window.opener.location.href) || [, ''])[1].replace(/\\+/g, '%20')) || null

  21. },

  22. socialCallback (socialType, parameter) {

  23. const that = this

  24. socialLoginCallback(socialType, parameter).then(res => {

  25. that.$loading.hide()

  26. const bindResult = res.data

  27. if (bindResult && bindResult !== '') {

  28. if (bindResult.success && bindResult.data) {

  29. // 授权后发现已绑定,那么直接调用第三方登录

  30. this.socialLogin(bindResult.data)

  31. } else if (bindResult.code === 601) {

  32. // 授权后没有绑定则跳转到绑定界面

  33. that.$router.push({ name: 'socialBind', query: { redirect: this.getUrlKey('redirect'), key: bindResult.data } })

  34. } else if (bindResult.code === 602) {

  35. // 该账号已绑定多个账号,请联系系统管理员,或者到个人中心解绑

  36. this.$notification['error']({

  37. message: '错误',

  38. description: ((res.response || {}).data || {}).message || '该账号已绑定多个账号,请联系系统管理员,或者到个人中心解绑',

  39. duration: 4

  40. })

  41. } else {

  42. // 提示获取第三方登录失败

  43. this.$notification['error']({

  44. message: '错误',

  45. description: '第三方登录失败,请稍后再试',

  46. duration: 4

  47. })

  48. }

  49. } else {

  50. // 提示获取第三方登录失败

  51. this.$notification['error']({

  52. message: '错误',

  53. description: '第三方登录失败,请稍后再试',

  54. duration: 4

  55. })

  56. }

  57. })

  58. },

  59. // 第三方登录后回调

  60. socialLogin (key) {

  61. const { Login } = this

  62. // 执行登录操作

  63. const loginParams = {

  64. grant_type: 'social',

  65. social_key: key

  66. }

  67. this.$loading.show({ tip: '登录中......' })

  68. Login(loginParams)

  69. .then((res) => this.loginSuccess(res))

  70. .catch(err => this.loginError(err))

  71. .finally(() => {

  72. this.$loading.hide()

  73. if (this.getUrlKey('redirect')) {

  74. window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.origin + this.getUrlKey('redirect')

  75. } else {

  76. window.opener.location.reload()

  77. }

  78. window.close()

  79. })

  80. },

  81. loginSuccess (res) {

  82. this.$notification['success']({

  83. message: '提示',

  84. description: '第三方登录成功',

  85. duration: 4

  86. })

  87. },

  88. loginError (err) {

  89. this.$notification['error']({

  90. message: '错误',

  91. description: ((err.response || {}).data || {}).message || '请求出现错误,请稍后再试',

  92. duration: 4

  93. })

  94. }

  95. }

  96. }

  97. </script>

  98. <style>

  99. </style>






  1. client-id: 59ced49784f3cebfb208

  2. client-secret: 807f52cc33a1aae07f97521b5501adc6f36375c8

  3. redirect-uri:

  4. ignore-check-state: false

  或者使用多租户系统配置 ,每个租户仅允许有一个主配置2、登录页添加Github登录链接。


  1. <div class="user-login-other">

  2. <span>{{ $t('user.login.sign-in-with') }} </span>

  3. <a @click="openSocialLogin('wechat_open')">

  4. <a-icon class="item-icon"

  5. type="wechat"> </a-icon>

  6. </a>

  7. <a @click="openSocialLogin('qq')">

  8. <a-icon class="item-icon"

  9. type="qq">  </a-icon>

  10. </a>

  11. <a @click="openSocialLogin('github')">

  12. <a-icon class="item-icon"

  13. type="github"> </a-icon>

  14. </a>

  15. <a @click="openSocialLogin('dingtalk')">

  16. <a-icon class="item-icon"

  17. type="dingding"> </a-icon>

  18. </a>

  19. <a class="register"

  20. @click="openRegister"

  21. >{{ $t('user.login.signup') }}

  22. </a>

  23. </div>



华为认证网络工程师 HCIE直播课视频教程